Fierce TMF Summit Survival Guide

Fierce TMF Summit Survival Guide

Whether you’re a Sponsor, CRO, Site, or vendor, this year’s Fierce TMF Summit in Savannah GA on March 18th-20th, is one conference that TMF professionals won’t want to miss. A beloved event in the TMF management space, the conference centers around empowering TMF professionals to discover the latest inspection trends, regulatory developments, and emergent technologies for the TMF community. 

The event promises two full days of speaking sessions alongside workshops, exhibitions, receptions; and with so many opportunities to learn and network, it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, Egnyte is here to help you with that. In addition to sponsoring the event, we’re here to make sure you get the most out of it: here is our Unofficial 2024 Fierce TMF Summit Survival Guide. 

Set Yourself Up For Success

Getting the most out of the Fierce TMF Summit starts before you leave home. Conferences can be grueling, so ensure that you’ll be poised to survive the marathon of sessions and networking by packing the following essentials: 

  • Business cards, for networking. 
  • Chapstick and lotion, because conferences can be dry and dehydrating.  
  • Neat and professional layers, to ensure that you’re not too hot or too cold during the Summit—sometimes A/C can make events chilly. 
  • Hand sanitizer (and optionally a mask), for shaking a lot of hands and networking comfortably. 
  • Breath mints, just in case. 
  • Snacks, in case you get peckish in transit or during the event. 
  • Spare phone charger or battery pack, to stay charged on the go.

Plan Your Agenda 

Fierce TMF Summit features four conference tracks: 

  • Governance & Oversight
  • Innovations & Technology
  • Inspection & Audits
  • TMF Operationalization 

Be sure to identify which track(s) you’d like to focus on, and explore the agenda in advance to find your personal can’t-miss sessions.

Given our emphasis on security and governance as core tenets of our platform, we at Egnyte are excited to see what the Governance & Oversight track has to offer—but will certainly be splitting our time across all four. We’re also looking forward to hearing an auditor’s perspective on TMF audits in eTMF Audit: An Auditor’s Perspective and learning about the future of the TMF Reference model in CDISC and the Future for the TMF Reference Model.  

Don’t Miss the Exhibit Hall

One of the most exciting parts of any conference is the exhibit hall—and not just as a source of free swag. I always enjoy a stroll around the floor to look at the booths, learn more about the latest products and offerings, and attempt to identify some common themes—you can see what some of my observations were at this year’s SCOPE Conference here. 

And of course, be sure to stop by the Egnyte booth to chat with us about our cutting-edge eTMF application and GXP compliant content management platform. And yes, we’ll have swag too. 

Enjoy Savannah

All work and no play? No way! Carving out some time for extracurricular activities can help keep you engaged and energized during the event. Fortunately, the event has provided a Savannah’s Too Much Fun Guide to help you navigate Savannah like a local. We’re hoping to try the “best chicken sandwich in the world” at Zunzi’s—if you’ve tuned into one of our Hot Bytes sessions, you know that our team loves to eat!

Keep the Conversation Going

An event such as Fierce can be spectacularly insightful—but it’s easy to lose track of what you’ve learned when you return to your office. Be sure to capture follow-ups and action items while they’re fresh on your mind, so that you can put what will undoubtedly be a wealth of actionable eTMF insights to good use. You may find it worthwhile to put together a slide deck to summarize your key takeaways after the event, so that you can share it with colleagues.

See you at Fierce!

Whether it’s your first Fierce summit or you’re a veteran attendee, we hope that this guide has provided some insights that can help you make the most of this year’s event. Remember to schedule time with us to get a $50 Amazon gift card or stop by our booth to say hello—we look forward to seeing you there!

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